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Exemples de notre collection
Un peu d'histoire
John Deere 70 Diesel Standard 1955
John Deere H 1946 electric start, hydraulics
John Deere Patio Cart #80
John Deere G 1950 electric start
John Deere 110 Hydraulic lift LGT 1967
John Deere L 1939
John Deere A Unstyled, round spokes, 1935
John Deere LA ca 1944 Electric start
John Deere 720 Diesel Pony start 1957
John Deere B Styled 1952
John Deere B Styled 1939
John Deere G 1946 electric start
John Deere 4020 Diesel Syncro 1967
John Deere AR Unstyled 1941
Several Pedal Tractors and pedal cars
John Deere MC Crawler 1951
John Deere 4020 Diesel standard 1967 on 23.1-30 rubber
John Deere E Engine, 1,5 HP 1938 on skids
John Deere A Unstyled 1936 on skeleton steel wheels
John Deere R Diesel 1950 Pony start
John Deere 5010 Diesel 1965 on 24.5-32 rubber
Pair of John Deere 111 LGT tractors 1983
John Deere Snowblower model 36 for Lawn and Garden tractor
John Deere Tiller model 31 for Lawn and Garden tractor